
Invalid form.[E020-23]
Wednesday, January 8th, 2025 
7 pm  - 8:00 pm
 PSA meeting in Room 120
This is a in person or via zoom meeting. Here it's the link: 

Our 2024-25 Magnet PSA Board 

President: Aracely DiGirolamo

Vice President/Secretary: Deb Italiano

Vice President/Membership/Fundraising:  Kelley Tate 

Vice President Events: Isabel Maita

Events Committee: Isabel Maita & Bharati Jadhav

Project Graduation 2025 Lead: Anna LaTorre 

PG Committee: Anna LaTorre & Poonam Arora

Past President/Parliamentarians: Karan Bhatia (’25) & Deb Lambert ('24)




As always, donations are to the PSA are happily accepted here: 


2024-2025 PSA Meetings 

Please join us Wednesday evenings

7:00-8:00 pm (In Person & on Zoom) in Room 120



In person & on zoom


In person & on zoom


In person – Pot luck




In person & on zoom


In person & on zoom


In person & on zoom


In person & on zoom


In person & on zoom



Zoom only –Tentative planning meeting for next school year


*Please note: unless otherwise indicated, meetings are planned for the 2nd Wednesday of each month (known exceptions - Sept & Nov) 


Look forward to seeing you!

PSA Meeting Zoom Link:


Here is the Zoom link for PSA Meetings. 

Project Graduation Fundraisers
Looking for Magnet Spirit wear and Merch?
Our online shop with new items will reopen on 10-24-24!
Items purchased will be ready approximately 10 days after. 
Or Scan the QR Code:

Always a need....
 We continue to collect $25-$50 gift cards to be given directly to Magnet
student families in need.
Please consider making a monetary donation here (we'll make the purchase) OR drop off physical cards to the Counseling Department c/o Jessica Koteen.
On a similar note: Did you know that the Counseling Department makes toiletry items available to our students who need them.  If you would like to make a donation toward this effort, please drop off (or have your student drop off) items at any time.

Be part of the parent association and stay up-to-date on all the latest info!

See the 2024-2025 school calendar:





Welcome to the Magnet PSA Online platform!

To get started:

  1. Please register for Membership Toolkit account so you can login to our site.
  2. Then join the PSA under Membership, pick a membership option, 1 year or 4 years.
  3. You can choose the information you wish to share in the Magnet PSA Family Directory, visible only to other PSA members. [Please be patient for the directory to become complete as other members register.]
  4. Please DONATE to our Magnet Fund!!





For friends and community partners of Magnet PSA,

you can donate to the Magnet Fund here without registering for Membership Toolkit.


Thank you for your support!



 Questions? Contact  


Here is the Zoom link for PSA Meetings.